What’s the Cost of a Broken Sprinkler Head?

Life is busy so we automate as much as we can. You set a schedule so that you know your landscaping will continuing looking healthy even if your week’s double booked. Then you open your water bill and it’s double, triple, maybe even quadruple what it was last month. We’ve all been there.

The likely culprit is a broken sprinkler head. The average flow rate of a broken sprinkler head is 15 gallons per minute. That means if you run each zone for 10 minutes and you have a broken head you’re losing 150 gallons of water. If you run each zone for 30 minutes you are losing 450 gallons of water. That’s just one broken head on one zone.

All of this adds up to a huge water bill you weren’t expecting. A simple way to prevent this expensive issue is to visually check your zones once a month. Most systems have a test feature that will allow you to quickly run through all zones to check for issues.This allows you to detect any broken heads, leaks, stopped up nozzles, or any other problems that could be causing your system to be less efficient that it should be.

Another option is to add a flow meter that monitors your average flow rate and notifies you when the flow rate is significantly different.

Easy tips to keep your system running at peak performance

  • Visually check your system at least once a month, checking for broken sprinkler heads and your spray pattern.
  • As the temperature cools off you can reduce your sprinkler run times. Start with 5 minutes less per zone and see how your lawn looks.
  • With winter approaching, remember to cover all exposed piping to protect it from freezing.
  • Sprinklers watering lawn

    Responsible Watering Part 2

    As San Antonio approaches the warmer months, being responsible about water usage in irrigation is of utmost importance. Conserving water is top priority when the Aquifer levels are low due to the long periods of drought and saving water becomes every resident’s responsibility. Learning to use water efficiently, in the most precise and even manner possible, minimizes waste. In part 2 of “Responsible Watering”, we will include additional suggestions that can be used to manage water more efficiently. Evergreen Sprinkler Repair can help with water-saving irrigation and sprinkler repair. Call us (210) 496-2318.

    Flow Control Devices
    Installing valves with flow control will allow you to better manage the flow of your system and prevent run-off.

    Automatic Shut-off Device
    Adding an automatic shut-off device on every system can result in 15-20% in water savings. Install an automatic shut-off device like a rain sensor or moisture sensor on every system. These devices automatically shut-off the controller when it is raining or when sufficient soil moisture is reached. They prevent over-watering and the bad publicity that results from sprinklers running when it rains.

    Automatic Controller with Water-Conserving Functions
    The following are some of the key features currently available in controllers for maximum flexibility and water efficiency:

    Multiple start times – allows several shorter and more precise run times to prevent run-off and puddles.

    Multiple independent programs – allow the watering schedule to be divided into smaller, more precise watering schedules to accommodate the watering needs of different types of plant life.

    Water Budget – provides easy and flexible adjustments to the amount of water used for irrigation.

    Rain Delay – allows the user to pause a watering schedule when irrigation isn’t needed and resume watering when appropriate.

    Cycle + Soak™ – applies water at a rate that the soil can accept, reducing erosion, run-off, and waste.

    Flow Management – enables the controller to detect system problems like line breaks or broken sprinklers and shuts down irrigation to the affected zones to prevent water waste.

    ET Programming – enables the controller to calculate daily evapotranspiration (ET) values and adjust the station run times to replace only the water used by the plants. This maintains a healthy landscape while minimizing water use

    Central Control System
    Central control systems show annual water savings of 25 – 30% on average. A central control system operates a single or multiple controllers, sensors and other irrigation devices from one central location. It contains all of the functions listed in the Controller section above plus additional sensors that monitor and control environmental conditions…automatically and without the need for personal intervention. This is especially useful on commercial sites.

    Water Early Morning
    Set up systems to irrigate between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. Early in the morning is the most efficient time to water because water can reach its destination without being evaporated by the sun or blown away by the wind. This will also save landscapes from disease caused by water sitting on plants overnight and prevents compaction caused by heavy traffic on wet soils.

    Evergreen Sprinkler Repair is experience in all aspects of water efficient irrigation. Call us (210) 496-2318.